Sunday, October 4, 2009

Leask Family Party

Last weekend was so fun. We had a quick family get together with both sides of the family. My family had several birthdays that week and Jordan arrived home from Maryland safely so it was a good time to celebrate. The weather was perfect and the food was delicious. I am so grateful to have wonderful family that loves to get together and supports each other. What would we ever do without them. Later that evening Alan's family came and stayed for a couple of nights. It was good to see them and have all the kids hang out together for awhile. They had a fun trip to Yellowstone and saw some wildlife. It was quick, but it was fun. The boys played some football and everyone had a nice chat.

We celebrated 4 birthdays in one week so we had to have plenty of dessert!
Janell with baby Brooklyn and Lindsey.

This is our after picture. We have all been working hard this summer to lose a few pounds and darn we look great!

The Leask Family all together again. You have to grab these moments when you can.

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Spring 2010

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